Tuesday, December 23, 2008

simple and sweet.

Hello lovelies. Just had to post these pictures of me and my newly beloved Ben Sherman top.
As plain and somewhat boring as it seems, it's actually rather nice, comfortable and light. Accompanied by my grey cotton on cardigan and black cuff shorts with perhaps red tights- it's the perfect casual summer outfit. Full of union jacks and utter 'britishness' it makes me somehow feel one step closer to moving to London. (laughs)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Uncomplicated, simple, whimsical, fanciful, and oh so wonderful. These are my favourite things broken down into a some what dismal and rather small equation that only really explains the favourites of the favourites.
Fashion- one-day hopefully my career and well pretty much my passion. I love everything about fashion (oh yes I know that sounds like a bit of a cliché) but nevertheless it’s true. The travel the clothes the bags the shoes and the ability to be completely individual and yourself just by wearing a piece of clothing. What more could you want?
Music- yes I honestly don’t know how I would survive without it, it’s what literally gets me up in the morning and what gets me to sleep at night. I love it so much. No seriously I mean so many great things are expressed in a piece of music. I believe anyone who can play the piano or guitar or can sing in tune is truly talented. I quite like any genre of music but I must say I’m an avid and enthusiastic indie- rock fan. but really like I said any music is good music (but perhaps rap isn’t) as hypocritical as that sounds it’s true in some respects. You get the point- I love music and could go on about it all day.
Books- I love reading. If I didn’t read I would most likely go insane. There entertaining, romantic, historic, fanciful, and full of utter delight and so many more things. There like your paper friends- refreshingly uncomplicated can’t bitch to you or about you and will never ever stop making your day better. Some books that will always make your day better; Twilight saga, Harry Potter series, Atonement, Pride and Prejudice…well too be honest there are far to many too name.
Twilight Saga- this gets a wee box if it’s on because these books are undutifully the best thing I have ever come across in a bookstore. It’s amazing and utterly intoxicating, you never want to put it down. These books have got me well and truly obsessed in the greatness that is Twilight. And really Edward Cullen well what can I say leaving high and unrealistic expectations of young men since 1901.
Robert Pattinson- as girly and silly as this must sound I think I am in love with this man, or should I say I have an obsession/great lust for the brilliant gentleman. Not only is he ridiculously good looking, and an impressive actor, he has is an extremely talented musician. Yes one day I will meet the wonderful Robert Pattinson in which I ‘heart’ so much. (haha)
Alexa Chung- she is my idol. Yes this girl oozes cool, she has the ability to pull off and outfit and makes it look amazing. She’s so down to earth, humorous, herself and at the same time incredibly classy. Fashion trend follower? I think not, Fashion trend setter? I think so. Indeed I would love to be like her one day.
London and Paris- yes lived in both places but only when I was young. And what can I say I can’t wait until I go back. So classy yet edgy at the same time. Elegant yet electric. New York, yes been there done that and yes overrated is all I can say. London and Paris on the other hand both equally fantastic, one day I shall live there again. Sit in cafes drink coffee read great books and nylon, and watch some life changing gigs, be a culture vulture talking to rather interesting musicians, actors, artists and designers… ah what more could you want? Not forgetting fashion capitals of the world. But first I must improve my French. (laughs)
Starbucks- all I can say is, you can never have enough starbucks.